When wedding become an industry, it sell a dream of romantic, sweet & love.  越來越商業化的包裝, 似乎不能免俗的成為現今每對新人結婚的必備的行頭, 好像不這樣做就會失禮!

結婚網站上的資訊, 美其名是資訊交流。 其中蘊含的商業模式, 更是不著痕跡的高明銷售。看這些網站後遺症是發現現在大家都這樣: 都拍婚紗照、都找新祕、都送婚禮小物、都有會場佈置。 無形中也被洗腦, 好像非這樣做不可! 但, 這些是重要的嗎? 只是做給大家看罷了! 表象的幸福, 不代表真正的幸福。 幾年之後,有誰記得這些?日後生活才是真正的重心。 這些不過是商人的花招罷了!

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1. Camboida: Ankog Wat

2. South America: Peru, Brazil, Angentina, Chili

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-All about Lily Chu Chu

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It's first time to use this blog. Cute layout. Hope I could keep share my feeling and photos on daily basis. I'm lazy.
Just found that it's a pretty small world, you have some connection with someone. Sometime, we just found that we have some commom friends, but we don't know before.

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